Wednesday 31 January 2018

Kickstart Project - Understanding space

Kick start Project

We were set a kick start project that required us to work in groups, to interact with the new studio spaces we had been given. I started by documenting the space through photography and audio recordings, and particular found interest in the way the room sounded with only a few people in it. I was also interest in the traces of previous occupiers that were visible through paint marking and nail holes so I began by creating a sculptural piece that acts as a statement about my first impressions to my environment. I staged the nails in throughout the plaster to ensure that they were evenly distributed this remains highly important to the work as it is the structure that the piece is made from and the traces of past lives that holds relevance to my creative practice.


Drawings: 'This is not what the studio looks like'

I produced this trio of drawings to play with the concept of perspective, I feel that by not falling into the trap of shading and fusing over a drawing I have managed to create a more honest depiction of the space around me. By using charcoal, I evoked a hazy tension to the piece which causes the viewer to feel as though they were diffing the laws of physics in some way. I feel that the haziness within the quality of line, also produces connotations surrounding the vibrations of sound, and directly links to the matter which holds everything together. Considering how sound can by used as sculpture in its own right, I recorded a series of audio recordings that I later adapted into one long sound clip. I wanted to describe my environment, whilst 'in the moment' in order to create something spontaneous and free.  

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