Saturday 4 February 2017

Pop Up Letter Exhibition

anger Letter box

I was asked to edit a plain white envelope, into a exhibition entry. It was key that the modification be only to the inside of the envelope. After considering my options, with limited time available, I chose to keep it simple, and looked for something readily available in my current location, I've always been interesting in found art, and how any object can possess a plethora of  new readings, when taken away from the familiar and defamiliarised. So I ripped out a page from a photography magazine.

 My thought from there on:

 The connotations of the envelope, = post. The clear flap = letter box. The angry peering face, produces a  darker reading to postal worker? 
Conveying a sense of foreboding, as we wonder who is at the door? Can they see us? I used the latch of the window to elevate this reading higher, the bar suggests a prisoner, and is connected to perceive DANGER!!!

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