Thursday 2 February 2017


Scrying ritual art

'Scrying' is a term that applies to the art of divination, e.g foretelling the future by using a reflective surface, often a mirror, crystal ball or body of water. This art form, has been channelled into the creation of these beautiful wax sculptural pieces, all completely unique and one of a kind, although beautiful, there inherent value lies only in there communication between the divine and man. Attempting to unravel the secrets of scrying may seem to many purely the work of a chance process, However it is only the caster that will find a personal truth within the swirls of wax, as there thoughts, questions and preys is as unique as results cast there from.

Before creating these works I took some time to meditate and collect my thoughts, As I poured the wax into a bowl of water, focused my energy on showing me the truth to what I seek. I  initially tried to pour the wax fast, however I used my intuition to tell me the process was complete. 

There is something surreal about these images, within their mystical  forms lies a element of defamilliastion that are provocative of both chance and certainty, knowing and unknowing. The fluidity of the objects, travels parallel with notions of life being mere strings of a giant tapestry, that we are unable to see in it's entirety, yet can take comfort in the knowing is all part of a master plan. 

A couple of these images bear remarkable likeness to animals. Images 4, 6 and 7, pay resemblance to a seahorse, a bird ( perhaps a turkey) and a walrus.  

A possible reading for the Seahorse centres around Power

"Many ancient cultures connected the Seahorse with various Divine beings. In Rome and Greece, for example, the Seahorse was sacred to Poseidon and Neptune, potent sea gods. As a result, one of the keynote meanings for Seahorse is one of power and authority, particularly in matters of emotion and intuition because of the Water Element involved.
A rather lovely story from Greco-Roman times indicates that the Seahorse is a guide to drown sailors." -

A possible reading for the Turkey is based around abundance.

"The symbolism of the Turkey focuses on the connection with the Earth and the abundance it provides, Generosity,sharing " - 

"The Creek tribes still practice the turkey dance during its annual fire festivals. The feathers of turkeys are also used in Native American ritual."

"The turkey was thought to be sacred to ancient Mexican cultures. The Aztecs, Mayans and Toltecs viewed the turkey as a "jewelled bird" and also referred to it as the "Great Xolotl." Male turkeys were honoured for their beauty and essence of cocky pride."

A possible reading for the Walrus is based around, psychic closeness 

"Moving effortlessly in the water, Walrus can teach us to ‘ride the emotional’ waves inevitable in our lives, to pick our battles wisely when in defensive mode, and that as long as we are close to the people we love, we will be protected from a cold and lonely heart." -

" A symbol of individuality and solitude. When a walrus appears in a dream or meditation , it warns of becoming too isolated. As a totem or power animal, the walrus teaches how to uncover the hidden treasures around  you " .-

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