Sunday 30 April 2017

Dry-point etching / automatic drawings

Dry point etchings derived from automatic drawings 



This series of etching were derived from a collection of automatic drawings, I made whilst attempting to clear my mind. As my mind cleared different thoughts would flash across my head, each joined with an emotion, these emotive thoughts would be subconsciously documented through the lines of my pen, creating fluid gestural motions coupled alongside sharp barbs and erratic ink splodges. Once the drawing was coupled I slowly etched over the top of them creating several etching plates of painstaking slow movements, this sharp contrast between the thoughtless movement of the automatic and the thoughtful movement of the crafted is extremely rich in content. Having to retrace all of the marks I made produces disciplinary and moral implications, which can only  be rebelled against by the over inking of the etching plate, thus creating one of a kind back grounds, which allow the forms to appear to float around in mid air. I am keen to try out further printing process, in order to look into all areas of potential.


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