Sunday 13 November 2016

Gerald Manley Hopkins - poetry

It was a hard thing to undo.

It was a hard thing to undo this knot.
The rainbow shines, but only in the thought
Of him that looks. Yet not in that alone,
For who makes rainbows by invention?
And many standing round a waterfall
See one bow each, yet not the same to all,
But each a hand's breadth further than the next.
The sun on falling waters writes the text
Which yet is in the eye or in the thought.
It was a hard thing to undo this knot. 

 My own Heart Let Me More Have Pity On

My own heart let me more have pity on; let 
Me live to my sad self hereafter kind, 
Charitable; not live this tormented mind 
With this tormented mind tormenting yet. 
I cast for comfort I can no more get 
By groping round my comfortless, than blind 
Eyes in their dark can day or thirst can find 
Thirst 's all-in-all in all a world of wet. 

Soul, self; come, poor Jackself, I do advise 
You, jaded, let be; call off thoughts awhile 
Elsewhere; leave comfort root-room; let joy size 
At God knows when to God knows what; whose smile 
's not wrung, see you; unforeseen times rather - as skies 
Betweenpie mountains - lights a lovely mile. 

The Sea And The Skylark

On ear and ear two noises too old to end 
Trench—right, the tide that ramps against the shore; 
With a flood or a fall, low lull-off or all roar, 
Frequenting there while moon shall wear and wend. 

Left hand, off land, I hear the lark ascend,
His rash-fresh re-winded new-skeinèd score 
In crisps of curl off wild winch whirl, and pour 
And pelt music, till none ’s to spill nor spend. 

How these two shame this shallow and frail town! 
How ring right out our sordid turbid time,
Being pure! We, life’s pride and cared-for crown, 

Have lost that cheer and charm of earth’s past prime: 
Our make and making break, are breaking, down 
To man’s last dust, drain fast towards man’s first slime. 

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