Thursday 17 November 2016

Photographs taken at Nottingham Graveyard - Primary Research

Nottingham Graveyard

I took these photos whilst visiting Nottingham, what first grabbed my attention about this grave yard was of course the scale of it, is over-whelming, with graves dating back hundreds of years. It is easy to get caught up in the history of the place, as the whole site screams of it whilst feeling sombre at the inevitability that one day we all destined to end up the same way. I noticed the sculptural qualities of the angles of the rocks, and how they seemed to posses a installation resemblance. Walking through I felt calm, and yet like i was in the mists of a surreal experience, particularly when spying locals walking there dogs through the graveyard, as if it were a park. This spoke to me neglect in a sense and re-laid how accustom you can become when faced with the sight of something on a daily basis. I decided to adapt the ideas that arose from this experience into an etching, which is currently in progress...

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