Friday 18 November 2016

Tim Knowles

                                                                                Tim Knowles 

"A series of drawings produced using drawing implements attached to the tips of tree branches, the wind’s effects on the tree, recorded on paper.  Like signatures each drawing reveals the different qualities and characteristics of each tree."

 "In collaboration with the wind and local weather conditions, calligraphic gestures and automatic drawing readings are recorded on paper. The amazing thing about Knowles’ Tree Drawings is the unmistakable signatures that each drawing reveals as an indication of the unique characteristics and even genus/species of a specific tree"

"Natural movements of the branches and well positioned canvases make the trees into devices that record movements of which they have no knowledge." – Tim Knowles 

Upon seeing the artist work for the first time I noticed a spiritually surrounding it, when thinking about the world today it seems easy to forget about the beauty of the natural. Tim Knowles captures the delicate essence of life in motion and allows the trees to take centre stage.  All for chance outcomes the artist lets go of control and documents reality for what it is rather then what he wants it to be, this level of honesty create a scared space, where the trees swaying in the breeze could be comparable to a ritualistic dance, honouring mother earth.

The dark colour of the ink used, compliments the natural, through brown earthly tones. Conveying a star constellation or mathematical drawing, the start/stop points show a journey as if plotted on a graph, depicting evolution through years, folding into the reality we see before us today. This geographic mapping devise is instrumental within the recording of life as we know it, and offers a non-baits account. 

Tree drawings are a poetry on the verge of magic, full of a purity you can only find within nature. There is an unmistakable authenticity, that delights those who view it, as each tree appears to bare its own signature as if autographing the paper.

It is evident through watching this video just how much the artist respects the natural world around him, and this sincerity comes through within the work, I was interested to see the relationship between colour pens, and wonder how you would decide upon which colours to use upon the same drawing, whether it would be important to display complimentary or clashing colours together I am unsure. What I am totally convinced of is the beauty of the overall work, both during construction, performance and finished piece.

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