Thursday 10 November 2016

visual and audio influencs

                       Visual and audio influences

Worrytrain are a instrumental group who uses abstract noises, coupled alongside traditional instruments to create ambiences, evoking a past life or spirit that is tied down to earth, the haunting sounds of mental in the background speak of the souls of the mechanical.

Dopplehertz which translates in German as two hearts, or double hearts, Is the title of a short film directed by and staring rock icon and anti-Christ superstar Marilyn Manson. The poetic narration that accompanies the moving imagery plays upon the grotesque, and challenges the way we view the film. The ambience of the film feels like a diary or a personal encounter adding a multi-layered tone to the work.

Midnight Syndicate - grisly reminder. These artist specialise in haunting melody's often performed in piano, I particular enjoy the visceral response of the arm hairs standing up on ends that this music delivers. The repetition within the music adds a sense of comfort or reliability that smooths the sense of dread a little.

 This work directly above and below, are examples of some of the first experimental, abstract pieces using sounds from around a building, to comment on the aesthetic or appearance of said space.  
Personally I find that listening to the audio changes my mood dramatically, my senses begin to heighten as I perceive myself as  being in danger in some way.

I am playing with the concept of imagery vs audio within my practise, as a developing artist. Thinking about mapping or recording a stencil of a location through audio visual means. 

I also discovered the mystery of backwards recordings, what fascinates me about these working is the use of language.  Words that jump out at you through chance, force you to pick up on new readings, these resemble a type of automatic writing, or poetry. Furthermore, it is notable that the feeling of the music changes, these back lashed melodys  begin to portray something haunting, that only in part resemble the original song. 

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