Friday 11 May 2018

Exhibition Book - Stuart Morgan


Ways of understanding the gallery or exhibition space can vary greatly due to the perimeters and limits the materials and of the instructions of how to use the space. This text investigates just that in a abstract form. Exhibitions using considered was of display can appear sterile and overdone, here the author discusses ways of pushing back at the standards and norms of exhibitions. By saying his work is meaningless he tries to disconnect himself from the expectations people carry about art. He is now free to act as a spectator instead of an owner. However I don't think this can be truly achieved, as by making the work he is inevitably putting part of himself into the work. Even by saying it is of no meaning, doesn't erase the traces of the artist within the work, the will he had when creating it. Therefore he cannot take himself away from it. This text has challenged my understanding of exhibition spaces, I feel it is necessary to reconsider this text at a later date when I have had more of a chance to consider its content. 

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