Thursday 10 May 2018

Visit to John Innes centre #1

Images from visit to the John Innes Centre 


There is nothing more technically stunning in terms on achieving then  the rare book collection at the John Innes Centre. The tour displayed the oldest intact books on botany dating back to the 14th-15th centuries, these masterpieces tell us a lot about the way the science has grown as well as casting light upon some of the more bizarre superstitious held by society at the time. I drew most of my inspiration from the botanical drawings featured within the collection, that depicted plants from all around the globe. These images I decided to think about in the terms of my practice, when writing a proposal for the collaborative exhibition held within the rare book room itself. Immediately I saw preservation as the connecting aspect, and started to develop a way of combining the beauty of the drawings with the technical task of preserving specimens. A task botanist's have been concerning themselves with for centuries.

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