Images and Film of Final Piece.
Final Feature
Film Review:
From start to finish there is a consistency to the delivery of the feature that ties it all together, this has been achieved by the low budget nature of the film, coupled with the slapstick music in the background. This audio gives the film a nostalgic quality while the acting and delivery portrays more of a Monty-python quality. The issues of pollution and climate change that are raised within this film are softened by the way the film has been produced, leaving the viewer amused by the notion of climate change instead of compelled to change their habits in order to aid fixing it. This in my mind is slightly unfortunate, as originally we chose the subject in order to draw awareness to the seriousness of the issue. On the other side though, we only had two weeks to research, write and produce a film that everyone in our group could be a part of, therefore it was inevitable in my mind that there would be some sacrifices that would have to be made in order to bring the group together and get the film done in time. In conclusion, the project was largely successful given the time we had to get it finished. The d.i.y styled sections break each scene up well and allow the view to be transported quickly to new ideas and happenings. The section were the fish goes into the oven and is taken out to have transformed into MacDonald meal, is meant as a poke at the food standards of young people today. While the rest of the scenes are wildly exaggerated to create comedic effect.
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