Thursday 25 May 2017

Garden Magic Mushrooms

Garden Magic Instillation



By placing these items together I am opening up a dialogue between them, returning the mushrooms to an outside location they seem to blend in better to there location. I chose all the components for this instillation carefully reflecting on there reading individually before setting them up together. The Calderon acts as the main focal point for ritual activity, whilst the other items back up the narrative. I think that in today's society there is to much enfranchise placed on knowing everything, being everywhere and controlling the world we live in. The work of ritual is pushed to the side as being unimportant, this instillation was created with the idea that we should pay more attention to the world around us, setting up this area of wonderment made me want to be closer and explore more, to see things from a different angle. I suppose then to summarise, its about seeing the world differently. 


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