Tuesday 23 May 2017

Joseph Beuys - Artist BOOK Research 2



Sound is an important part in this performance piece, the clang of the triangle symbolising  to the coyote both the instruction and harmonisation of the piece. Beuys felt that spending time with the coyote and creating a bond with it, was a way of therapy. Healing the wounds on the native American Indians, who had been persecuted and banished from their homeland. In a simulate way my practise is based on healing, using rituals and tools to create actions that can be seen as ceremonial in fixing problems from past lives, I take inspiration form this piece as it created such a bold statement in attempting to make friends with an animal that was special to the native Americans, yet troublesome to the western cultures. Beuys plays the part of shaman in performing these practises, that can be seen as forms of sculpture, as they exist as physical and psychic forms. The repercussions of the instillation creates a profound statement of changing peoples understanding of the past, allowing previous view points to be challenged, and healing to begin to come about. 


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