Tuesday 23 May 2017

Hair Pelt Sculptures Work



Development of my work with human hair, I first starting thinking about working with human hair at the beginning of the year, I have always touched my hair a lot as one of my coping strategies, I began to become aware that as I combed my fingers through my hair the occasional strand would fall loose and fall onto the floor. As I saw my hair fall, It seemed to me that I was leaving a mark the place, with my DNA. I then started collecting clumps of hair from the plug hole in the bathroom, until I had enough to start dreading it together. I thought it was interesting that I was shedding pieces of myself that would otherwise be lost, as I began to collect them it felt as if I was being reunited with myself. After working on felting the hair together, I started collecting hair from family members and adding that into the mix. As the hair was tied together, it started to produce metaphors of unity and kin, I began to see the work as DNA poetry. As the work developed, I started looking into creating different forms, from the hair, and soon decided to collect hair from a hairdressing salon, to expand the work. By using hair from a salon I was felting together the hair of strangers, which started to take the work in a different direction. Metaphors of community ties started permeated the work, as the hair grow into a pelt, it began to take on a primitive nature. The sound of the needle pulling in an out of the hair acts as a form of sculpture, appearing quite abstract when listening to it without watching the needle. 


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