Thursday 25 May 2017

Rag-doll photography



Thinking about the use of dolls within different cultures, whether they be for ornamental use, companionship, symbolism or to perform rituals. Dolls have been a heritage item for hundreds of years, pictured above is my doll Sally, that I made form scrap materials as a teenager. The original purpose of the doll was to be a friend, but as the years went past I began to see her more as a time capsule containing a version of my past self. Identity has always been an interesting topic for me, and I have been investigating into what components make a person who they are. Posing the doll in the forest,  she seemed to take on new connotations then just the ones I saw in her, the contrast between a very heavily crafted  item, seemly dis-guarded created a dialogue between the forest and the doll that I wasn't expecting. The doll seems to be asking for help as she is placed alongside leafs and twigs, the imagery therefore could serve as a warning sign. 


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