Thursday 25 May 2017

Sculpture Workshop - Skills 3 Part 1



For the first of three sculpture workshops, we were invited to play with all the material stations in order get a feel for each material and learn the technical skills tied to each process. I started with plaster and got stuck in exploring the materials, I quickly discover how the materials worked better mixed with each other. Throughout this unit I have been looking into rituals and ceremonies, so it is of no surprise that my work though-out this workshop followed in that theme evoking shapes of a staff and an orb, inviting the viewer to engage with the form as a scared object. I've also began to think about how the items I made could be dealt with upon being viewed. Would they be looked though? Or perhaps act as a devise we could learn to experience the world through? My last work with fabric demonstrates that, as i peer through the canvas straps I feel protected, by my shell. It reminds me very much of the drawing machines of Rebecca Horn, and communicates in a similar manner.


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