Saturday 20 May 2017

Honey nature ritual - Performance



This performance has been developed through my investigation into ritual acts and there components, I chose to design a ritual that had at its heart the core of a blessing, honour and healing the land. I poured the honey onto sticks as a act of therapy, healing the sores of the forest represented through these sticks which were hand selected from my local woods. Honey has been used in ancient recipes for thousands of years, its antiseptic qualities and sweet lavish properties make it a go to ingredient for indulgent pampering, or a unrefined healing balm or remedy. The symbolism of the materials used within this blessing are key to them being chosen, throughout my practice as an artist I have been looking into the work of Joseph Beuys, hows work was often highly concept driven. It was Beuys that believed that art should be accessible to anyone, and anyone could be an Artist. He also felt a great care and tie to the land, and often created works that could aid in healing of the earth. Famously claiming mass 
pain or injustices caused psychic scars to be left on the land, and it was only through an action of therapy, that these scars could be allowed to heal, and society allowed to recover. In that way, I cover these sticks in honey and baptise them in a ritual herb bath as I cleanse the negativity from the forests.


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