Saturday 20 May 2017

Psycho edit - skills 2

Skills 2 Psycho edit 

For this edit, I combined the original movie footage with piano scores I had written for myself in response to a location, I wanted to see how the music would change when paired with a new subject and distorted heavily in parts.  I arranged the music so it would tell a story alongside the film footage and would back up the images we are seeing with our eyes. 
The long stable tune offers a sense of sombre trauma, that the immediate danger has pasted, and that we are now seeing the aftermath, whilst the higher melody attempted to mimic the fear and chaotic nature of what has just happened. Pairing my own scores to the clip, personalises it. The music  now acting as my essence. Creating the feeling that I am watching a family member or friend being attacked, and I am just watching it all from a birds eye point of view. 

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