Monday 8 May 2017

Soap carving experiments

Soap Carving Experiments 



Soap carving experimentation. - Playing with different ways of carving has proven educational, as the soap behaves slightly differently in every bar. I combined deliberate gestural marks with accidental scratch like makes on different bars to teach myself the realms of possibility, learning how far I could push the materials until they broke. I am particular interested in the translucent soap as it has the appearance of a still of a pond. The murky shapes act like floating specimens of pond life and rubbish. The deep cuts into the top image, add a fluffy texture that makes you want to engage and touch the work, however the delicate curls couldn't withstand the heat from the hand without wilting and loosing there fabulous textural qualities. The middle purple image has a primal storytelling factor to it, as the precise scratches appear more like illustrative cave paintings or animals tracks. 


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