Tuesday 16 May 2017

Cuttlefish Bones - Research and performance art

Cuttlefish Bones - Carving 

After trolling the beach at Winterton-on-sea, I came across a couple of cuttlefish bones as I inspected them it occurred to me how interesting they would be to carve. Before picking up the knife to carve the bones, I performed some meditation rituals in order to centre my mind on the task ahead. I didn't decide to pick a design before beginning to carve as I wanted any marks made to be the product of current thoughts or feelings. Using carvings within art work, has a ritualistic or folk qualities to it, I felt like by performing these acts I would in someways be closer to my ancestors, by mimicking acts that they would have had to perform within their daily lives, since cuttlefish bones have been used to feed birds and reptiles for generations.

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