Tuesday 9 May 2017

Tarot woodcut prints

Tarot Woodcut Prints



I chose these cards to produce as a wood cut print because they have a certain significance to me:

The Hanged Man 

  • The card symbolises a sacrifice, an unfavourable position to be tolerated in order to reach an objective.

  • Major efforts are necessary, as are sacrifices, and having to overcome difficult trials.It will be necessary to make the best of a bad situation, in that by reacting instinctively and incorrectly, this temporarily difficult situation risks becoming a permanent condition.

  • One must make sacrifices, be clear-headed under difficult conditions, and know how to be patient.Temporary sacrifice, in order to later improve one’s own situation.


  • Death symbolizes a phase of the Cycle of Life, a traumatic phase that precedes a new birth

  • Death can also concern the end of a negative cycle. Death means the end of the present situation, perhaps in a traumatic way, and the new situation that will follow.
  • A figure so frightening does not therefore necessarily mean that Death is a card that bears misfortune; in fact, its meaning is mainly that of change, of the conclusion of a cycle, and subsequent renewal.

The Empress

  • The Empress indicates stability, strength, and protection.

  • These concepts are clearly symbolised by: the throne, the sceptre, and the shield.

  • The Empress represents inner strength, willpower, and authority over things.

Overcoming difficult or traumatic situations in pursuit of happiness and success, has been a recurring theme within my life. I first saw this card combination in a bizarre dream I had the cards appeared as huge melting Dali-esque forms situated in the American desert, all cards were distorted so I didn't recognise them at first. I was surrounded by animal sculls and strange people dressed in funeral attire. We were waiting in the desert with this feeling of dread that something bad was coming. Some men drove towards us in a car, they felt threatening, when they approached us and got out of the car,  the gathering of people frozen. The men then started handing out cards, the cards we received would dictate our futures, I was handed the above spread of tarot cards. As I held them and looked down into my hands, I felt a sense of acceptance and determination, I then awoke.
That following morning I did a Tarot reading and got the same exact  sequence of cards. 
I saw this reading as a form of prophesy, stating that I would go through trails and rise above them like a phoenix rising from the ashes.


Original Plates 






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