Tuesday 9 May 2017

Winterton beach experiments - my jolly sailor bold

My jolly Sailor Bold Performance

I took a trip to Winterton-on-sea, to perform a sea ballad to the ocean waves. It was important for me to sing in this location and to leave the sound of the howling wind and other sea elements into the video when editing, so that I remained true to the experience. I chose this song as I find the musical arrangement to be haunting beautiful, the sound of the voice as it is projected through the air becomes at one with the environment, honouring the sea. Although my voice isn't perfect, It has a organic harmonic signature to it that creates a sense of the individuals soul marking the location. I was working (and continue to work) with ideas surrounding  folk-law and ritual acts, this work stands as an initial experimentation in to field of sound art. Touching on in particular "sound as sculpture", which is a  concept I will go on to explain in further detail in future posts. 

Performed, and edited by Emily Gardiner.

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