Tuesday 16 May 2017

watercolour painting experiments

Water colour techniques and experiments 



Through meaningful play, I started to uncover a range of techniques and forms by experiments with watercolour paint. What I particular love about watercolour is how it can be built up then washed away, only leaving the faintest impression that it was ever there. The concept of watercolour is compatible with my current interests and way of working. This play-around however, centres on natural forms such as sticks and stones. As a nature enthusiast I often find myself taking home oddly shaped rocks, pieces of seed pods or bark. I can't really explain my fascination, other then to say I love to have beautiful things around me, and to me there is nothing more bizarre and beautiful then the natural world. Reflection back on the water colour drawings in question, I chose to use sets of colours per drawing that I felt would be complimentary to each other, then just painted on impulse. Although I enjoyed using watercolours, I feel like my practise is drawing me into more of a sculptural/sound-esque place, so will probably be investigating that with more details before picking up on more water colours.


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