Tuesday 13 February 2018

Drawing Workshop - Intervention

Drawing Workshop - Intervention


The work I projected within the drawing workshop was a pleasing break from what I would have normally done on a typical Wednesday morning. With the brief of intervention we set out drawing to then later come back at edit out works, I was glad to get another chance to dip into my side project, centred on the 'in-between' (space and moments).  I spent the morning drawing on tape and then re-arranging the strips to make an abstract version of the same place. The notion that surroundings can be altered and reinterpreted so easily is one of curiosity to me. To that end I used tape to block out and edit spaces, made structures out of masking tape, embedded with metaphors of hiding or securing a realm or forgotten area. My wonderment about stairs and windows being the ultimate in-between space led me to draw and then cut up and re-work the space to see if its meaning or function changed. I am pleased with the work I started to create within this work shop as it freshen my mind to the possibilities of trying something as a mini or side project and how productive that can be.

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