Through reading this text I stumbled across lots of new concepts to consider about the nature of objects and of how we relate to them. What I have taken from this text and reflected on the most,( and even worked into my 3000 word text) is the concept 'legend' and how that relates to the guise around antiques. Baudrillard follows this by writing that 'the mythology of the object minimises on its function'. I think this is true, the most important an antique is portrayed to be the more its function is taken away from it. It now can no longer be used as a chair, it sits alone cordoned off. A living relic of the past, that has gained the respect of the informed. Baudrillard also discusses to virtue of objects, I found it interesting to think about how objects from other cultures seem exotic to anyone from a different part of the world, still the object doesn't change, just the perceptions around it. Linking this back to to my studio work, I juxtapose different objects from many cultures to attempt a dialogue between then, from man-man to naturally occurring; all objects have a charge and to that extent a voice, as I learn to listen to the object I start to be able to decipher their meaning and experiment more with their language.
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