Wednesday 7 February 2018

Kick Start Project - Exploring space

Exploring space

Something I have always found intriguing as an object is a window, unlike doors they allow the individual to glimpse into another reality without making any physical changers to their current location, almost as if they were being allowed to sample this new place through sight. Much like a picture of a landscape, the window often frames its view. Telling us again, that its an instrument of pleasure. The function of this object seems to be different depending on situation. Within my practice I am interested in the 'in-between' spaces that offer potential for having a dual function, looking at the words that are used to describe a space is often a solid first step. Interestingly enough, when I looked more into the words themselves I was intrigued to discover certain interpretations that I believe to have potential. 'Window pane' or 'Window pain' if you refer to the urban dictionary is classified as "pain that comes from watching a loved one leave through the window".  This concept although initially a play on words holds some interesting relic of truth to it, I am therefore going to be looking more into in-between spaces in the future and challenging there function and importance. 



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