Wednesday 7 February 2018

Objects in charity shops - Informal collections - Primary Research

Informal Collections - Charity and Antique stores

Charity shop:


I always found antiques and charity shops very interesting places, not just as you never know that you will find, but because of all the history and mixture of different narratives behind the objects finding themselves in conversation with each other, completely by chance. Although I love to rummage for hidden treasure, due to all the different energies of the objects I often feel overwhelmed if I stay in there for too long. There for I have developed a technique where I attempt to draw the objects out to me. I do this by humming a tune, or re-sighting some words (in the form of poetry) that I feel the individual who previously owned the object would like or that relate to them, and therefore draw out the object through operating on the same frequency. As I begin to use objects more and more, I start to concern myself with the origin and back story of the object, and act to place objects together that convey an interesting dialogue. 

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