Wednesday 7 February 2018

Reflection on dictionary definition of the word 'object'


Thinking about what an object is has brought to the surface many questions and debates. How does and object differ from a thing or a item. The first definition describes all objects as things, but how can all objects be things, if not all objects can be things. Is it therefore down to the viewer or individual to dictate what he/she wants to have a function and what is purely there for decoration. As this debates wars on in my mind, I make the choice to focus on the objects them selves and how the dialogue between them creates a narrative as this seems to me to be the real puzzle, therefore throughout this unit I will endeavour to create conversations between objects. This experimental process will create a wealth of learning opportunities that I can apply to my work in the future. The metaphorical and poetical content of the object compels me to play with collections and displays in order to gain a more meaningful glimpse into the world of objects. I will also look into ritualistic processes designed to encase and hold things in a set position, so that the memories and emotional responses to an object might become frozen in a set point of time.

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