Wednesday 7 February 2018

Hull Trip - Photographs / Reflection

Hull Trip to Turner Prize Exhibition



Right, let me be brave and say straight up that I felt that this years Turner Prize exhibition was a let down for many reasons. Firstly the first impressions I got were in a sentence, " I'm not excited by this works" feeling let down I set about to examine the reasons behind this gut feeling in more detail, and my findings were that a lot of the works felt like they were being ticked off of a requirement sheet, displaying themes that we all now come to expect, homelessness, politics, and black history. Ahhh!  Now I'm not saying that these aren't important issues, rather just pointing out that I wanted something more then these regurgitated concepts. When thinking about Contemporary Art I get excited at what I'm going to discover next; yearning for something that will alter my reality, change the way I think and how I form my beliefs, this i'm afraid I did not get. I suspect for the most part that was why I was so disappointing, this collection was not at all earth shaking. However it wasn't a complete waste of a day that was marked mostly by an extraordinary long coach ride. There we several things around Hull city centre that caught my attention, namely the fusion of old and new that was apparent in many architectural design features. I was especially interested in how spaces had been altered and changed throughout the years to accommodate new functions. A strong example of this is the old fruit market street that has been resurrected as a Hub for the creative, combining workshops and gallery spaces with urban night life. This fusion creates a mixture of history and everyday that changes the vibe of the space making it more interactive. All in all, I probably wouldn't go back to Hull any time soon, although It was a different change of pass, I didn't see enough that would draw me back in.

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